Herkunft is a Dark Folk and Ambient Musician from Germany with music that is inspired by the Nordic Viking history and a mixture of a very rough atmosphere and deep dark sounds that take you on a journey …
I am happy that you found the time for this written interview, and we are all looking forward to hear more about your life and music.
We know your music well, would you like to tell us a little
about yourself?
Here we go! I was born in 1972, married and have four daughters and
a son. I am German and live close to Frankfurt am Main in the Rhine Main area.
“Herkunft” what does that mean?
For the translation from the German word into English it means origin.
Does it have a special meaning for you?
Yes, indeed it has meaning for me. On the one hand, it is my pride where I come from and where I grew up. On the other hand, and in relation to Nordic music, it is the Germanic people who have their origins here in their belief in gods and other things. So, these two aspects represent my name Herkunft.
How long have you been playing and producing music?
It all started in October 2021 as part of Nordic Folk
And how did it start for you with playing music?
This all has to do with my left ring finger. As stupid as it sounds, I’m really grateful to the finger for its inability to grasp a simple guitar chord. Ultimately, I wanted to start playing guitar again in fall 2021. After restringing the guitar with strings and wanting to play, I noticed that I could no longer pitch the corresponding strings with my ring finger. Then I put the guitar back in the corner and looked for other options. Somehow, I came up with the idea of researching on the internet what it takes to make music like Danheim, Heldom and all the others. That’s when I found the first library that focuses specifically on this genre with all the instruments. DARK ERA by Eduardo Tarilonte (Thank you Eduardo on this way 🙂 ).
The price was very high, but it was worth it for me to try it out. After that, more libraries followed and that’s where I stand today, as I’m known for my music.
What music inspired you at that time?
Danheim, Wardruna and Heilung.
What music did you play before you started on the Viking music that we know you from?
Irish Folk.
Have you ever played in any bands?
Yes, in an Irish Folk band
How many instruments do you play and which ones?
Tenor Banjo, Tin Whistle, Bodhran, Mouth harp
Any plans about learning to play a new instrument?
Yes, definitely the Tagelharpa in the near future
Did you have any kind of music education, or did you learn by yourself?
I always stuck to the Gypsy Kings. I don’t think a single one of them could read music.
So, I taught myself everything.
Do you sing?
From the third beer onwards. All joking aside, I’ve already decided a few times to make a few recordings of my tracks. Not yet – but it could definitely happen. Just stay tuned 🙂
I know you have made collabs with other musicians, would you like to tell a little about that and maybe with whom you have done collabs with?
There are no secrets about the tracks that have already been released. On the one hand, this is Askadia indirectly and directly with Sagason. I have a very good relationship with Sagason, and we are on the same level personally and musically. It’s really a lot of fun working with him. There’s more to come. There are in fact other works with other artists, but I don’t want to mention them here before the release. But here too, things are going like clockwork.
Would you do more collabs ?
Absolutely, of course.
Do you have a favorite band or musician that means more to you than others?
Yes, I have that. This is the lead singer of the band The Pogue’s, Shane MacGowan. For me, a genius. Unfortunately, he passed away last year.
Do you make other kind of music, than what we know you for?
I’m now trying out the world of these digital possibilities that the programs give me. I can now compose and implement things that I have pursued as music my entire life. This includes soundtracks, maybe trash metal, country music, etc. But I’m too busy with my Nordic music that there’s hardly any time for it here.
Where do you typically get your inspiration to compose/ produce music?
There is absolutely no recipe for this. You usually already have a plan in advance in which direction you should go, and which instruments will dominate. From the basic basis, the whole thing is then built up into a complete work. Although you hear and know a lot of songs from others, I would like to keep my own style, the main thing being that it is appropriate to the genre and so harmonious and suitable for me.
Are you a believer of the Nordic/old ways or finding the history interesting?
If it were so, I would also practice these customs in everyday life. I think very few people actually do that. So, I don’t have an altar of Odin or anything. I’m interested in history in general and of course that of the Normans in their active times. I often derive my ideas for my music from these stories. Even if it’s just the song titles.
Do you find it challenging times in the music industry with YT and other streaming places? (Other musicians are saying that)
If we go back very, very far in years, musicians back then would be happy to have such a form and opportunity to present themselves. I don’t even pay for my YouTube account, and I can still publish my music there and on other platforms. So, from my side it’s not challenging, but rather I see it as being humble about this possibility.
Do you have any advice for others what to do?
Just do it
What is working best for you?
There is no real recipe here either. I just let it happen to me. There are days when everything works, then there are days when nothing works at all.
Can it be hard to find time for the music and the balance between music/family life and other things in life? (many feel they have to little time to make their music)
That depends on how important music is to you and what you ultimately want to achieve with it. Some people do it on the side and release an album a year, while others release 10-12 tracks a month. For me, I have found a good balance and time for composing. I have my best ideas early in the morning. Then when the whole family is still asleep or later in the evening when everyone is in bed. So everything fits well.
Any new releases of tracks or album soon?
However. There will be at least 1-2 more collaborations released and most likely two more albums will be released this year.
Do you have other interest like crafting, painting or carving?
I really enjoy working with wood and sometimes carve Odin. I have also recently started working with leather. Otherwise, I go to the gym regularly and until recently I also played football regularly.
I would like to thank you for answering my questions about your music,
and glad we could do this interview.
Herkunft Official Site herkunftmusic.com
Spotify open.spotify.com/intl-de/artist/7CB4uZXFfLMV52re4oV8pf?si=stHlndzxSju3QVut89gg8w
Bandcamp: https://herkunft.bandcamp.com/
Facebook: facebook.com/herkunftnordicfolk
Herkunft Soundscap: youtube.com/@herkunftsoundscape
Instagram: instagram.com/herkunft_nordicfolkmusic
Apple Music: music.apple.com/de/artist/herkunft/1701344742
Amazon Music: music.amazon.de/artists/B0CDVPG6FV/herkunft