Eldrvak is a one-man Celtic, melodic, epic, dark folk inspired project from American multi-instrumentalist and he like to takes you on a journey through enchanting melodies and ethereal atmospheres with great vibes and energy… Read more
I happy that you found the time for this little interview, we are
looking forward to hearing more about your life and music
Would you like to tell us a little about yourself?
My name is Cody, 32 years old. A proud father and husband.
Your name “Eldrvak” what those that mean?
I created the name Eldrvak with “Eldr” meaning fire and “vak” was
taken from the word “Vakr” meaning alert, wakeful, fast.
Does it have a special meaning for you?
A bit of a “keeping the fire alive” feel
How long have you been playing and producing music?
I started my musical journey at a young age, around 10 years old when I first picked up a guitar, so can say 22 years. I didn’t start taking production seriously and on my own until I started this project 2 years ago.
And how did it start for you with playing music?
Difficult of course, being so young at the time, tiny hands, lol
What music did you play before you started on the Viking music that we know you from?
The Viking music label probably comes from some of the fans, definitely go for a more Celtic/fantasy vibe, although some of my earlier work leaned toward the Viking side. My forte growing up was always European melodic death metal and the guitar writing style transferred over with me and the world instruments I play now.
Have you ever played in any bands?
I’ve only played live in one local band, 10 years ago or a little less. Guitar for The Archimedes Death Ray
How many instruments do you play and which ones?
In total, including variations, have around 20 instruments at home. The most played would be the nyckelharpa, acoustic guitar, moraharpa, tagelharpa, various frame drums and shakers. Some that I play not as often would be kravik lyre, gudok, jaw harp, didgeridoo, kartalas, harmonium and mridanga.
Did you have any kind of music education, or did you learn by yourself?
Completlly self taught
Have you ever done any collabs with other musicians and would you like to tell a little about that and maybe with whom you have done collabs with?
I have had Damian from Munknörr feature on a track.
Would you do collabs in the future?
Of course.
Do you have a favorite band or musician that means more to you than others?
The band Dark Tranquillity has held a special place in my heart for 20 years, they are the reason I started playing guitar.
Do you make other kind of music than what we know you for?
I used to write melodic death metal like I spoke, under the name “The Unbecoming”, I believe I still have some instrumental tracks on Soundcloud. I don’t make other music at the moment but in the future, the wife and I will start a project of our own, she can do some amazing black metal style vocals.
Where do you typically get your inspiration to compose/ produce music?
Usually, my emotional state has a lot to do with what goes into a song, if I don’t feel a certain way after hearing a part, I usually won’t use it, or change it completely. My goal is to send the listener the feelings I am having while they hear the song. For example, if I’m very happy during the time of writing a piece, you can usually hear it, same goes for all emotions.
Are you a believer of the Nordic/old ways or finding the history interesting?
Personally, I lean more towards Hindu, although I respect a lot that comes with the Norse faith. In general, I’m a bit of a free spirit and don’t like putting myself in a box.
Do you find it challenging times in the music industry with YT and other streaming places?
(Other musicians are saying that)
Very much, songs are hit or miss for me, and I think it’s mostly to do with them not reaching the right people. Marketing is definitely a must but unless you are already a well-known artist, it’s very much a game of luck in my opinion.
Do you have any advice for others what to do?
If doing something you love and it makes you happy, brings you peace, never give up. One should always follow your dreams, and not let the opinions of others hold you back.
Can it be hard to find time for the music and the balance between music/family life and other things in life? (many feel they have to little time to make their music)
It can be extremely difficult, in this world everything revolves around money. On top of being an artist, I also work from home, so a lot of my time is spent with this and my kids. Unless the music performs better, it will remain like this.
Any new releases Soon?
My new album “Shadows and Ash” will release September 6th of this year (a few weeks from writing this interview)
SacredWolfDivination on Itsy, is your other project, would you like to tell us about that?
Sacred Wolf Divination is my work from home that I spoke of, which is wire-wrapped jewelry with stone/crystals, you can find my work on Etsy, Facebook and Instagram.
I would like to thank you for answering my questions about your music, and glad we could do this little interview, and I am sure many are glad to get to know you a little better….
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@Eldrvak